Even so, the vote to confirm her in her new position had been a close one.
In those years Farfa received seven grants from Duke Hildeprand, who had been confirmed in his position by Charlemagne.
Mediavilla actually never been confirmed in his position as governor for the Viceroy.
Gomułka was confirmed in his new position.
He was confirmed in his position only after a mandate of Pope Innocent III.
Lippman was confirmed in his position by voice vote of the State Senate on February 12, 2009.
Both Frederick I and Alexander III originally wanted to confirm this knowledgeable man in his new position.
Estermann, formerly acting commander of the Swiss Guard, had been confirmed in his position the same day.
In that sense, we are maintaining our position, apart from the fact that it was confirmed in the Council's common position.
Governor Hampton lobbied for his son to be confirmed in his acting position, but was unsuccessful.