Amy Sherwood, a spokeswoman, confirmed reports of the change in Advertising Age and Adweek.
Jerry Brown, a spokesman, confirmed reports of the review in Advertising Age and Adweek.
Linda Zurheide, a spokeswoman for the company, confirmed a report of the assignment this week in Advertising Age.
He confirmed the report in Advertising Age that some of his 52 employees might be laid off.
Industry executives who spoke only on condition of anonymity confirmed a report of the review this week in Advertising Age.
Robert Fletcher, executive chairman, confirmed reports of the departures this week in Advertising Age and Adweek.
Mr. Bertini confirmed a report about the project this week in Advertising Age.
She confirmed reports of the investigation this week in Advertising Age and Adweek.
The comments confirmed reports in Advertising Age and Adweek this week.
Mr. Goodby confirmed a report of the shift this week in Advertising Age.