"Nonetheless," she added, "it was a good strong report and confirmed other data seeing a lot of production strength."
To demonstrate safety and effectiveness, human trials always have to confirm data obtained from animal testing.
The callers try to encourage their victims to talk by saying they merely want to confirm data the government has already received in writing.
Well, this would be confirming reported data that we haven't observed for ourselves.
The result confirms data that the researchers have accumulated over three years.
Many grantees met with broadband providers, large and small, to confirm data or suggest more accurate depictions of their service areas.
Many met with broadband providers, large and small, to confirm data, or suggest changes to service areas.
This confirms data showing that nearly one of five new houses exceeds 3,000 square feet.
"I think that is what broke the back of the market this week, without any real confirming economic data."
She said they confirmed other data indicating that despite back to school shopping, sales will be down 1 percent to 2 percent in August.