A referendum on 28 July resulted in Émile Derlin Zinsou being confirmed as president.
Lin was appointed in his place as acting president and confirmed as president on January 1, 1932.
Martínez was confirmed as president by the legislature in 1932.
In 1871 he made claims of fraud in the July elections won by Juárez, who was confirmed as president by the Congress in October.
Al-Assad was confirmed as president by an unopposed referendum in 2000.
However, on 20 August da Costa withdrew his challenge and Trovoada was confirmed as president.
Congress in London - Gaston Thorn confirmed as president.
On October 24 the Congress confirmed Allende as president.
After some discord between the party's factions in 2005, a congress dismantled the factions and confirmed Fini as president of the party.
On 10 October 1938, the Congress of Paraguay confirmed Paiva as provisional president.