The configuration of the mold absolutely prevents forming a critical mass.
This unusual configuration prevented propeller turbulence from interfering with airflow over the wing, but also led to chronic engine-overheating due to insufficient airflow around the engines, resulting in numerous in-flight engine fires.
This configuration prevents delegates from convening on the convention floor, much less breaking into what we used to call a "spontaneous demonstration."
The new configuration prevents safe pedestrian access to a stairway to the Longfellow Bridge, requiring a longer path of travel than by following the original seawall.
Certain configuration and hardware conditions will prevent a network from ever converging.
Elisa Glick also states that configurations of power within relationships do not prevent women from exercising it and that they can be used to enable women to exercise it.
This altered configuration may prevent the mutant receptor from releasing repressor proteins or recruiting coactivators in the presence of ligand.
This more conventional configuration did not prevent it from being very bright and comfortable.
This configuration prevents the sun from hitting the main façade all through the year.
This configuration prevents "yellow trap" when properly implemented.