I was treated to confidential details about her dolls.
It was clearly an admonishment, as she was sharing confidential details about the investigation with a guy who was (or at least had been) Falcon's lawyer.
Nevertheless, experts and politicians analyzing the recordings agree that at least some of them are real, judging by known voices, speaking manners and confidential details mentioned.
Last month you were given access to highly confidential details regarding our plans for designs for 1956-7.
A bribe reveals the confidential details of a correspondent who is the link to a vital hidden document.
One popular aspect of the book is the salacious printouts of actual hacking attempts (although confidential details, such as passwords, are blacked out).
It has also given confidential details of your borrowings to your mother.
As a result of the settlement, confidential details concerning Al Davis and the ownership of the Raiders were not released to the public.
Neither of us would have divulged a confidential detail like that to him or Susan or anyone else.
Ask them for confidential details of Krug's table talk, you mean?