In 2004 he was a signatory of the "Confessing Christ in a World of Violence" document.
Within a month, he asks for a personal visit from Carey so that he can "confess Christ with his mouth".
He confessed Christ, and said he had been deceived by the devil, and retracted everything he said about Jacob.
These three words represent states of being that should define and characterize the life of a person who has confessed Christ as Lord and entered God's Kingdom.
These 120 martyrs were baptized by St Eutychianus and St Anastasia, then were captured and put to death for confessing Christ.
He lived in the 2nd century and was a soldier in the Roman army until he confessed Christ and was tortured.
He explains that people confess Christ in different ways.
Some confess Christ in their faith and in their everyday conduct.
As he is quoted as saying years later, "I rested on the Word of God and confessed Christ as my Savior."
She did everything she could to help Mary and the mission, but one thing she never did, that was to confess Christ openly.