"Creativity confers no added privilege, but it does confer added responsibility," said Jivan Tabibian, a management and marketing consultant and editor.
Officer of the deck (OOD) is a position in the United States Navy and United States Coast Guard that confers certain authority and responsibility.
The 1959 (MRCS) Act confers responsibility to the National Society in implementing humanitarian activities and alleviating human suffering.
As the bendahara is the head of the nobility, the status confers certain responsibility.
The company uses several educational models in Baltimore, seeking to confer greater responsibility on each school.
You have much greater freedom of choice how you spend your time -but that freedom also confers greater responsibility on you.
Article 274 of the Treaty does confer full responsibility for management on the Commission.
At the same time, the Treaty confers responsibility for deciding and implementing monetary policy on the European Central Bank, and guarantees its independence.
Pay's position conferred responsibility for security in the House of Commons.
We live in a free society, and privilege confers responsibility.