The charity's governing document may confer additional powers and responsibilities on the holding trustee(s), but holding the legal title to the charity's property is usually all they do.
In addition, sections 42 to 44 of the Official Languages Act confer certain other responsibilities on the Minister of Canadian Heritage (see Minister responsible for Official Languages (Canada)).
Her unique role and abilities confer special responsibilities, including moral rules by which Giles is not bound.
But he added that these privileges also conferred responsibilities.
In most legal systems, one becomes designated as an adult on a particular birthday (often between 14 and 21), and reaching age-specific milestones confers particular rights and responsibilities.
In recent years, President Assad has conferred increased responsibilities on one Vice President, Abdel Halim Khaddam.
There is also recognition that in most countries, children are not seen as having the full citizenship status which confers certain rights and responsibilities as adults.
It can confer certain powers and responsibilities upon regional and local authorities, and it can also remove those powers.
The ACCA argues that limited liability status confers privileges and responsibilities on the company and that the audit is the price to be paid.
Clearly, the Committee on Budgets, on which the Interinstitutional Agreement confers very specific responsibilities regarding budgetary matters, wishes to exercise those responsibilities in a precise framework and well in advance.