A common marker now used is a gene that confers resistance to an antibiotic.
An example would be using an expression library to isolate genes that could confer antibiotic resistance.
Nonetheless, more research must be done to improve a better strategy which can confer resistance to fungal and bacterial diseases.
In other cases two or three mutations must occur together to confer resistance.
The two genes that were isolated in the studies reported here confer enhanced resistance rather than increased uptake.
These resistant Sr genes, of which 50 are known, confer different resistance to stem rust.
Composite transposons will also often carry one or more genes conferring antibiotic resistance.
Effects of opinionated language on communicative image and as conferring resistance to persuasion.
In the long term researchers aim to find the genes that confer resistance to the pathogen on some ash trees.
Genes that exacerbated a disease in one environment conferred resistance in another.