Surgeon 1 and I must confer over the details.
As the two women conferred over belts, and chose a dark green one, Margaret had a disturbing sense of losing her personal identity.
He found the two of them conferring over a ledger in Edith's office.
Somewhere behind them, he could hear urgent voices conferring over communicator channels, but couldn't quite make out what they were saying.
The officers at the end of the room were conferring over a map.
The two conferred over the dragon, at first ignoring Don's presence.
I'd hoped to confer with Vince over a few auction details.
In this sense, a small private company may confer no great advantage over the personal liability of a partner.
As they conferred over me in low, menacing tones, I tore myself free and fled.
The other four men apprehensively conferred over this unexpected loss of time.