The same legislation which stripped the pope of his control over the English church gave a range of new powers to Henry, authorizing him to reform the church, supervise canon law, lay down doctrine, and conduct visitations of monastic houses.
The aim of the project is to investigate the architectural development of bishops' palaces as residences that were designed to enable the bishops to conduct pastoral visitations throughout the diocese.
Fitzpatrick then assumed many of Fenwick's duties, including administering Confirmation, conducting episcopal visitations, investigating parish affairs, and preaching at the cathedral.
During his tenure Reynolds conducted visitations of the entire diocese, which then included both Carolinas and Georgia.
Commissaries could "summon the clergy, conduct visitations, administer oaths customary in ecclesiastical courts, and administer discipline or judicial proceedings to wayward clergy either by admonition, suspension, or excommunication" but could not ordain to the priesthood.
For the most part Kilwardby lavished his attention on his clerical subjects, conducting visitations of suffragans' dioceses and holding frequent clerical synods.
As master, Turco conducted extensive visitations of Italy, Spain, the Kingdom of France, and the Spanish Netherlands.
Miège conducted extensive pastoral visitations throughout the wild and remote regions over which his congregation was scattered, visiting the Indian villages, forts, trading posts, and growing towns and celebrating Mass on the rear end of his wagon.
George Panackal V.C. and Romulus Nedumchalil, etc., used to conduct Popular Mission retreats and visitations from there and they also made it their residence and headquarters.
A clause in the Bill gave the Crown the power to conduct visitations of monasteries which had been exempt from the Archbishop's jurisdiction and forbid English clergy from visiting religious assemblies abroad.