Another officer, Michael Walsh, pleaded guilty last week to distributing cocaine, conducting illegal searches and seizures and evading taxes.
Other sections also allow the government to conduct secret searches, seizures, and surveillance, and to freely interpret the definition of "terrorist activities".
The investigators working for the SFM office are sworn law enforcement officers, with powers to make arrests, conduct searches and seizures, serve summonses, and carry firearms.
The sheriff also often conducts auction sales of real property in foreclosure in many jurisdictions, and is often also empowered to conduct seizures of chattel property to satisfy a judgment.
They often work closely with federal, state, county, and local law enforcement agencies and make arrests, conduct searches and seizures, and participate in raids.
The government has decided, she said, that the police should still be required to obtain warrants before they may conduct searches or seizures of financial information or of "journalistic materials."
This included requiring approval to conduct seizures from a manager or division chief.
In addition, of those state appellate courts that have considered the issue, the vast majority have held that the police may conduct warrantless search and seizures of garbage discarded in public areas.
They also conducted visit, board, search, and seizures (VBSS) operations, searching for vessels that could support international terrorist organizations by transferring personnel, drugs, and weapons.
Where FDA investigations have discovered tainted products marketed as dietary supplements, the agency has issued warning letters and conducted seizures and criminal prosecutions.