He came back before dawn, trickling with mud and blood, and hurried to church to conduct mass for the faithful.
The altar dominated the east end and a priest would conduct daily mass, probably from a pulpit near the altar.
Dressed in white surplices, the three "conducted mass on a rough wooden table which served as an altar".
Imagine the uproar by the keepers of the media if Father Fred conducted mass over the loudspeakers six times a day.
Father Gabriel Richard often would conduct mass here.
Thomas also conducts mass in the Chapel here.
Another annual event held every year on 31 May, during the conclusion of the procession, is the visit of the Pope to the Grotto in order to conduct mass.
He was suspended from conducting mass for 8 years, but remained a priest.
On his retirement he was not replaced and instead each Sunday a priest from Vico comes to the village to conduct mass in the Latin church.
The priests conduct mass over her body/table.