The website has conducted hundreds of interviews over the years, with artists from all walks of the rock community.
Some lawyers conducted hundreds of closings a year, collecting from $750 to $1,000 for each one.
Beginning in 1792 Congress has conducted hundreds of investigations in order to inform the public and to write good legislation.
During this period, the navy had conducted hundreds of combat intrusions into terrorist bases.
He also conducted hundreds of speaking engagements to professional societies.
He is also known for conducting hundreds of gospel meetings throughout the United States.
Samson and his descendants were used to conduct hundreds of experiments.
Over the next three years, Matousek conducted hundreds of interviews with prominent figures in film, television, books, fine art, politics, design, and science.
The robot brain was versatile enough to conduct hundreds of conversations simultaneously.
"My investigative staff has conducted hundreds of interviews and received thousands of documents; however, much more work will be necessary," he said.