By Friday, Ron D. Dittemore, the shuttle program manager, announced that he would no longer conduct daily briefings.
Officials continued to conduct press conferences and briefings on the anti-trafficking situation in Belarus, focusing primarily on forced prostitution, during the reporting period.
In addition, the Treasurer conducts regular briefings for the Maryland General Assembly and prepares an annual report on the status of the Treasurer's Office.
Pablo Merry del Val, whose father had been Spanish Ambassador in London, conducted briefings for the correspondents and censored their dispatches.
In Washington, he will conduct briefings and seminars for students.
He conducts briefings for the media, government, industry and environmental groups.
This occurs when licensing research or performing advisory work, or when conducting detailed briefings in advance of announcements.
In particular, the committee will conduct hearings, briefings and on-site inspection to assess the requirements for the size and composition of the nation's battle force fleet.
Details of the F.T.C.'s survey findings and its legislative proposal will not be released until the agency conducts briefings around Washington on Monday.