George Manahan conducted a refreshingly relaxed account of a score, giving the music room to breathe and the words space to be spoken clearly.
James Conlon conducted a dynamic account of the score, or tried to.
Graeme Jenkins conducted an undulant account of this challenging score, which at times is overly busy.
Charles Mackerras conducts a glowing account of Humperdinck's beautiful score.
James Levine conducts a refined account of a work he clearly loves.
Stewart Robertson conducts a rhapsodic account of this immensely appealing opera.
Mr. Robertson conducted a rhapsodic account of the score.
William Lacey conducted a lithe account of Handel's rich score.
Mr. Levine conducted an eloquent and incisive account of this great work.
George Manahan conducted a sweeping account of this rhapsodic music.