The new team conducts assassinations and other illegal acts against criminal and terrorist organizations.
Many members of the Ku Klux Klan were police officers who protected each other when conducting racist acts.
The ability to conduct juridical acts can be joined to an office or it can be delegated to a person.
Those in power have sat down with us to negotiate, and then conducted new acts of war.
She would be a wanted woman now that it was known she had conducted criminal acts for her boss, Specter.
"Zarqawi still has a significant capability to surge, and conduct acts of violence," General Lynch said.
The security apparatus handles intelligence, conducts overseas terrorist acts and is under the control of Imad Fa'iz Mughniya.
He said the group is "still quite capable of conducting terrorist acts across Iraq."
Also Bosnian Muslims conducted similar acts against Croats, especially in Central Bosnia.