He conducted a soulful version of Tchaikovsky's 5th symphony with the Philharmonie der Nationen.
In 1890 he conducted a revised version of this symphony at the Crystal Palace, and The Two Poets toured successfully in England.
Hargis's son, Billy James Hargis, Jr., still conducts a reduced version of his father's ministry.
To demonstrate this, the scientists conducted a new version of the classic animal-in-a-maze experiment.
Aurelian's reconstruction of Beethoven will be conducting a complete (if parahistorical) version of his unfinished masterpiece Eighty-first Symphony, the first since Cuprician's time, and holding a performance.
Some conducted a retail version of guerrilla warfare by offering "promotions" of a few selected items before the storewide sales began.
Mr. Vorontsov is conducting a Soviet version of shuttle diplomacy in the Persian Gulf region that has taken him to Iraq, Syria and to Iran.
He made his Glyndebourne debut in 2007 conducting a staged version of Bach's St Matthew Passion.
Ms. Kelly, who has been transferred to a junior high school in East Orange, is conducting a modified version of the Hospice program there.
During a private reception in December 2007, Bloomberg conducted a version of bingo in which guests were to guess the meaning of the numbers on a printed card.