The disturbance was expected to strengthen within the next couple of days, with conditions conducive for development.
However, early in its history Mars may have had conditions more conducive to retaining liquid water at the surface.
It was nearer and more intimate, both conditions more conducive to the words he had to say.
These infections, which are chronic, are thought to set up conditions conducive to cancer development.
That led to a desire by parents and administrators for conditions less conducive to accidents.
Soil disturbance and associated compaction result in conditions conducive to erosion.
Children are the most precious thing that society has and it is our duty to provide them with conditions conducive to their harmonious development.
The old wound, recently reopened, seemed to be healing rapidly, under conditions more conducive than before to perfect recovery.
But the conditions most conducive to this form of life require flat space-time.
Plainly, these were conditions conducive to the establishment of a more highly differentiated House leadership structure.