The privileges laid down in the Carta Mercatoria (1303) were probably granted conditionally on the acceptance of these enhanced dues.
The committee accepted that solicitors from private practices could be conditionally granted full rights of audience in either civil or criminal cases in higher courts.
In April 1974, both Seattle and Denver were conditionally granted NHL franchises.
Almost all planning permissions are granted conditionally and enforcement action can also be taken to secure compliance with the conditions imposed.
Outline planning permission for the ESS was conditionally granted by Selby District Council on 14 September 2005.
These motions can be granted, denied, conditionally granted, or conditionally denied.
And the first time I've heard of anyone being even conditionally granted an audience.
This request was granted conditionally on his paying to the university twenty pence on the day of his admission, and he was forthwith licensed to proceed.
EQUIS accreditation can be granted conditionally for three years (with annual progress reports required) or unconditionally for five years.
Free preaching was granted conditionally: the Church hierarchy had to approve and place priests, and the power of the bishop must be considered.