The treaty has long been anathema to India, hence Pakistan can make conditional promises knowing there is no future in them.
A conditional promise was elicited from the Board contingent on the availability of funds.
"With the type of shoes I have on I'd probably break my neck," he replied, before making a conditional promise for a demonstration tomorrow.
It has no conditional promises of leniency, which Christie's won by coming to prosecutors first with information, and it must answer to shareholders.
In discussing the third question, "What ought Plato to do to fulfill his promise", Buridan states that Plato should not have given a conditional promise in the first place.
Jacquette argues that Plato's conditional promise was given only in regards of Socrates's proposition being clearly and unconditionally either true or false.
"Well, I made a conditional promise to your daughter that I should like to keep--if her mother doesn't mind."
According to the abundant life interpretation, the Bible has promises of wealth, health, and well-being, but these promises are conditional promises.
In compensation the bill offers non-binding concessions to the owners, including, as a conditional promise, profit margins higher than the current top limit of 6 percent a year return.
They argue the presence of both unconditional and conditional promises to the house of David would create intense theological dissonance in the Book of Kings.