Depressed economic conditions impacted both white and black farmers in the post-war South, as cotton prices entered a worldwide decline and interest rates on personal debt rose with "astonishing" speed after the close of hostilities.
These conditions often impact young people disproportionately.
Approval is based on how the applicant's medical conditions impact his or her ability to earn an income.
Unfavorable conditions subsequently impacted the storm, and Shary quickly began to lose tropical characteristics.
Learn how weight, blood pressure, some medical conditions, and lifestyle choices impact the risk.
Squally conditions and heavy rain impacted the islands but no damage took place.
Body types and environmental conditions can impact the timing.
These conditions have impacted the process of reforming Moroccan family law significantly.
Respiratory conditions impact the lungs and the ability to breath.
"We expect these conditions to negatively impact our fourth-quarter results."