This condition can permanently damage teeth and possibly other cells in the body.
Several different conditions can damage the nerves that control eye muscles and lead to double vision:
These conditions badly damage one side of the brain, cause frequent seizures and problems with physical and mental development.
The condition, caused by an abnormal immune response to gluten, can damage the lining of the small intestine.
However, changing conditions in the iron market in the mid-1850s badly damaged David's financial position.
These conditions damage the root systems of plants and pose a danger to livestock.
Dr. Lawrence conducted research on the way the body rejects transplanted organs and how various conditions can damage tissue.
The condition does not damage the digestive system, but persistent pain and frequent trips to the bathroom can interfere with everyday life.
Physicians may begin treatment earlier if they perceive the condition is damaging the child's self-esteem and/or relationships with family/friends.
Damp conditions and high humidity can damage protein-rich material.