Proteins are complex condensation forms of amino acids; amino acids are the basics, and link together to form proteins in peptic chains.
Q.In winter, condensation forms and a mildew smell develops in our attic.
Watched small swirls of condensation form on the windshield glass.
When this moisture-laden air comes in contact with the cold storm-window glass, condensation forms.
Apparently, the aluminum frames get quite cold and condensation forms, which in turn leads to mildew.
A.The outside wall is too cold, so when warm moist air from inside touches it, condensation forms.
A. When the warm, humid air on the inside contacts the cold metal, condensation forms and then freezes.
Since cool air can't hold as much water as warmer air, condensation forms.
She's preparing her speech, he thought with a little smile, watching beads of condensation form on the frosted glass tumbler which held his tea.
It can be thought of as an extension of the wall cloud in that not only is it connected to the wall cloud but also that condensation forms for a similar reason.