He believes that Black women are in league with white men, whom he considers enemies, and condemns women seeking child support, custody, and alimony though courts.
Prominent radiologists castigated the committee, with some accusing it of bias and others say the panel was condemning American women to death.
To bring this suffering on another, and to condemn to death all those men and women whom that vampire must subsequently kill!
"This man would condemn women in Pennsylvania to going to the back alley and having an illegal abortion," she said, barking out the words.
"How could sensible, good men, condemn poor old women to death for being witches?"
Consequently she has received criticism for misrepresenting her life choices, and then condemning other women for not choosing the more traditional lifestyle.
Henry Grew took the speaker's platform to condemn women who demanded equal rights.
"Isn't it shameful that so many of the men talking about the sanctity of life are, by their actions, ignorance and prejudice, effectively condemning women to die?"
Sydney Biddle Barrows also thinks the new Hollywood ethic is healthy: "Society has always condemned women and punished them for arousing men's sexual urges."