The magistrate cannot condemn until after the fullest evidence and a succession of facts.
Elsewhere, Japan condemned the new Pakistan test a day after freezing economic aid in response to the first tests.
I can't condemn him for that, not after a few years of reading about the pirates of Wall Street.
Had the Magi condemned him to death after all?
You can condemn the party after a couple of glasses of wine and it's all right.
A mortal sin is, in Christian theology, a wrongful act that condemns a person to Hell after death.
The prize court condemned the schooner with gross proceeds of $2,146.67 and $1,854.92 for distribution after costs and expenses.
Yemen also did not condemn Iraq in the first United Nations vote after the invasion.
As can be expected, everyone condemned the other camp after the match.
We cannot get any further by condemning matters time after time.