Three major international broadcasters have strongly condemned Iran for its "deliberate electronic interference" in their broadcasts.
For the first time, Russia joined in condemning Iran for its sponsorship of terrorism.
Standing With Iraq The talks' resolution went much further in condemning Iran than even some ministers here had expected.
The Netherlands has condemned Iran over its nuclear program.
Condemn Iran for state-sponsored persecution of Baha'i.
The United Nations and other organizations have repeatedly condemned Iran for human rights violations.
The European Union condemned Iran for this action in a declaration against Iran's use of the death penalty.
The Arab leaders strongly endorsed Iraq and condemned Iran as an aggressor.
Mr. Bush began the program by condemning Iran and saying that the President's Persian gulf policy "had broad" support in the country.
It is no good condemning Iran out of hand and regarding it as being led by Manichean forces of wickedness and darkness.