It is an earthfill dam with a concrete spillway.
Majalgon Dam is to be built from earth berms on either side of a gated concrete spillway.
Water slides from a storm drain into a massive concrete spillway that is actually one branch of the Hoosic River.
It sits on a poured concrete foundation and has a concrete spillway.
In a previous scene, the main character has chased his son headlong down a wide concrete spillway toward the edge of a dam.
It is held back by a rolled earth dam and a concrete spillway.
The creek is often encased in a concrete spillway to contain the fast flowing water that occurs during rainstorms.
In 1986 after years of the lake being two to three feet below its normal depth the city repaired cracks and leaks in a concrete spillway.
The dam is made of earth, with a concrete spillway.
In several places the concrete spillway had crumbled down to a ragged edge, showing that the solid wall was giving way.