Health and Safety officials have begun an investigation after a workman fell into a concrete silo.
Man runs into concrete silo with tractor...and it falls on top of him.
Between the canisters and the concrete silo walls go shock absorbers.
Two concrete silos were added in 1920.
He was proud to own the first concrete silo in California, a circular piggery that he designed.
Two silos were constructed of 2x6 lumber laid flat, along with a concrete silo.
"If the tour bus is on the site, a concrete silo could shield it from heat-seeking search helicopters."
Among some new addition were the concrete silos that helped in increasing production capacity further.
Two large concrete silos rise from the western façade of the barn.
Instead, it is a series of concrete silos 120 feet tall, with tunnels that are 800 feet long.