The island is not that attractive: ugly concrete breakwaters shelter one side, and the beaches are scruffy.
And to stabilize the boat basin during storms, the developer must build a 60,000-square-foot floating concrete breakwater offshore.
The dark water hissed against the concrete breakwater.
A large concrete breakwater and mounds of boulders lined the shore in our neighborhood, making the water inaccessible.
I let him hop up on the concrete breakwater, which was about two feet wide and three feet above the water's surface.
In 2000, the Corps of Engineers replaced the concrete breakwater with rip rap.
Now the sea threatens to undermine the rock on which it stands, and concrete breakwaters have been positioned to hold back the waves.
A wave hits the concrete breakwater, and it sounds like an explosion.
Deep Harbor also reports that the concrete breakwater failed to withstand the pounding of the waves.
He mounted the concrete breakwater that formed a wall along the water's edge and began running south.