The marker is on Stovall Road at the alleged cabin site of famed bluesman McKinley Morganfield a/k/a Muddy Waters a fact that has never been conclusively verified.
The second is that of open texture-even if it appears to be conclusively verified that something is not made of gold, the definition of "gold" could change as to allow said object into the category.
Army officials maintain that the circumstances of Sergeant Walters's death cannot be conclusively verified.
He knew that the destruction of the Einstein, the science vessel that had ferried Janeway to her doom and been assimilated along with her, had not been conclusively verified.
Its exact geographical origin, however, has not been conclusively verified.
Despite a preponderance of evidence, no particular etiology has been conclusively verified.
Rather, they take it that statements which simply report the evidence of one's senses, whatever that may be, can be conclusively verified when one's senses do in fact produce that evidence.
It gives a good sense to the idea that a weakly verifiable statement can only be confirmed or disconfirmed, and never conclusively verified.
Duhem is suggesting that individual non-observation sentences cannot be conclusively verified or conclusively falsified by observation, by the evidence of our senses.
The first says that the things which can be verified, theories, can never be conclusively verified.