But the conclusive link did not come until Sunday night, Mr. Baker said, when a tape recording was turned over to authorities.
Some studies in hamsters, dogs, and monkeys failed to show conclusive links.
The study also considered life style, diet, ethnic background and income, without finding any conclusive links.
They all seem to share a common origin myth but it would be difficult to make a conclusive link between the myth and currently available historical information.
Smoking poses a variety of health risks to everyone, but studies have not shown a conclusive link between smoking and increased risk of breast cancer.
The federal government has said it has found no conclusive link between the antennas and health problems.
It seemed a conclusive link between Thorden and Bayruth.
No conclusive link has been established between the return of the cormorants and the decline of bass and other fish here.
The study found there was no conclusive link between the Giants Stadium environment and cancer.
Finally, a conclusive link between computer games and social violence!