In the second city it concluded an alliance with Heracleia under Latmos.
This is in line with the provision in the Constitution for "marriages concluded under any tradition, or a system of religious, personal or family law."
No test, no evaluation can absolutely conclude the reaction of an individual under certain circumstances.
To have a valid contract concluded under the Law, the following provisions must be included:
The accord concludes only one of six sets of negotiations under way between the Government and the Zapatistas.
The decision concluded the second of two reviews recently under way at America Online.
Therefore, it wasn't, she concluded, under even the most charitable reading of the record, a sexual assault or workplace harassment.
I would say we have laid the groundwork so that, together, we can conclude this period of reforms under the present legislation.
Special agreements to establish arbitral tribunals were on many occasions concluded under pressure, by political, economic or military threats.
Further, the firm should not conclude on the appropriateness of a course of action under consideration, for example, on whether the acquisition is worthwhile.