Because the prefix pan indicates all, we can concisely state the characteristics or a magic hypercube.
Mao Zedong said in 1952, at the start of the simplification movement, that the process of simplification should embody both structural simplification of character forms as well as substantial reduction in the total number of standardized Chinese characters, concisely stating the two parallel goals of simplification.
"The Vulcan Science Directorate has determined that time travel is impossible," she stated concisely and honestly.
Every objection shall be made in writing, and shall state clearly and concisely, and without argument, the ground thereof, and shall be signed by at least one Senator and one Member of the House of Representatives before the same shall be received.
It is generally believed that a prospective employee would be better off stating concisely their academic and co-curricular feats, as opposed to claiming receipt of an MHS Diploma.
This work specifies the final, practical halakha, leaving out the intermediate discussion and concisely stating the final decision.
I will here concisely state the commencement of the American constitutions; by which the difference between constitutions and governments will sufficiently appear.
For example, the drafting nations have been accused of being incapable of agreement on a code that "concisely and clearly states universal principles of sales law", and through the Convention's invitation to interpret taking regard of the Convention's "international character" gives judges the opportunity to develop "diverse meaning".
Sir Jeremy Greenstock, the British ambassador whose suggestions helped shape the American compromise offer, concisely stated the message for Washington from the United Nations.
-1328), an abstract of the Talmud, concisely stating the final halakhic decision and quoting later authorities, notably Alfasi, Maimonides, and the Tosafists.