The goal of the award was to promote clear, concise and understandable language in state government documents.
It provides a concise language based on first-order relational logic.
The author tells the world what he knows in very concise language, without any attempt to produce an interesting story.
Not over the content, but the concise language.
Not over the concise language - he glanced up--"but at the content."
Anslinger sometimes used the very brief and concise language in many police reports when he wrote about drug crimes:
Paine promoted classical liberal ideas in clear, concise language that allowed the general public to understand the debates among the political elites.
She was transferred to the Sheriff, and in the most concise language I've ever heard, told him everything.
In English, a more concise language, her novels are 35 to 50 pages shorter.
It was the nation's first personal finance magazine, and claims to deliver "sound, unbiased advice in clear, concise language".