The Commission would play an important conciliatory role if the two institutions were to disagree.
Dubois played a conciliatory role in relations with French authorities.
More recently, Mr. Ames has played a central conciliatory role in the industry's efforts to conquer online piracy.
Yet he may be best remembered for his conciliatory role in efforts to achieve two major arms agreements with the Soviet Union.
Now, he appears to be trying out a more conciliatory role internationally as well.
French diplomats say France wants to play a conciliatory role.
George played a conciliatory role on this, and on other occasions, such as the General Strike of 1926.
- () Mr President, Tunisia has in fact received sustained attention from this House, but above and beyond condemnation, we can play a conciliatory role.
Yet however incendiary Gingrich remains in public, among his fellow Republicans he typically plays a conciliatory role, keeping the warring parties at the table.
Ugochukwu played a conciliatory role between the press and the military government until he resigned from the paper as Executive Director of Publications in 1994.