The king releases a number of political prisoners as a conciliatory gesture.
The other vampire - slowly - held a hand up, a conciliatory gesture.
Last week, in what appeared to be a conciliatory gesture, the bank reduced the rate to 0.15 percent.
After his first year in office, Chen seemed to move away from sending conciliatory gestures.
The younger of the two men held his arms out in a conciliatory gesture.
Many here had expected Beijing to increase this proportion in 2008 as a small, conciliatory gesture.
He laid both hands on the table, palms down, in a conciliatory gesture.
He spread his hands before him in a conciliatory gesture.
He held a hand out to Terence in a conciliatory gesture.
In the past, such men have been either killed or thrown out of office once they started making conciliatory gestures.