Under the Caracas Energy Accord, countries can purchase oil supplies on concessional terms.
Most economic development projects were funded with external assistance on concessional terms.
Grenada depends on oil from Trinidad - not an OPEC member - and in the past Trinidad has offered concessional terms in times of crisis.
Since 1986, Guyana has received its entire wheat supply from the United States on concessional terms under a PL 480 Food for Peace programme.
The long-term loan was disbursed to the Armenian government on concessional terms in 2007.
The World Bank recommended that total commitments for 1989-90 should total US$6,700 million, with 60 per cent of the total to be provided on concessional terms.
This form of aid has to be undertaken by the donor country's official sector, with promotion of economic development and welfare as the main objective and concessional financial terms.
Little more than $200,000,000 for the first year was pledged, however, with some $60,000,000 of this on concessional terms; further pledges of $150,000,000 were forthcoming for the 1991-93 period.
Bank of Baroda provides full financing of the programme fees on very concessional terms to all students.
Subsequent Soviet arms sales to India, amounting to billions of dollars on concessional terms, reinforced this argument.