Reconciliation among the American people was also a theme of Humphrey's concession statement.
On election night, he wrote out his concession statement, went to bed at nine o'clock and woke up the next morning to find he'd won.
The day after the election, Voorhis issued a concession statement, wishing Nixon well in his new position, and stating:
In his concession statement, Mr. Cochran referred to his colleague's electioneering skills.
Mr. Netanyahu's concession statement was gracious, in contrast with the angry and divisive tone of his campaign.
Will read the concession statement.
Wayne Lukas kept saying that the rest of them could mail in their concession statements if Arazi ran his race.
But Mr. Seaga made no mention of the accusations in his concession statement tonight.
His party had not yet released any concession statement to the public.
The day after the election, Voorhis issued a concession statement, "I have given the best years of my life to serving this district in Congress.