Responsible for employing roughly 3,300 people, among employees of Infraero, public organs, concession holders, airlines and auxiliary services, it has fully modern infrastructure.
In exchange, the concession holder pays a fee based on turnover.
Third, tariffs are adjusted every five years to guarantee a certain rate of return to the private concession holder (rate rebasing).
Admission: AU$10 (adult), children and concession holders are free.
The current concession holder is Hermes.
The concession holder denies the allegations.
Further discoveries followed, and commercial development was quickly initiated by concession holders who returned 50 percent of their profits to the Libyan government in taxes.
The amendment requiring the concession holder to repay the investment illustrates this spirit.
Instead of having the agreement terminated, however, the concession holder receives additional loans amounting to millions of euro.
The quotas are usually not filled by the concession holders.