For that to happen, the Soviet Union and the United States must fashion a concerted and coherent plan.
This prevented any concerted plan of escape and, as a further disincentive, each breaker was clamped into heavy wooden leg restraints.
Drifting around solsystem ... no concerted plan of action.
He heard the plan concerted between Cornelius and Rosa to send a messenger to Haarlem.
--had been committed by the old lady's family acting on a concerted plan.
"Because that which she does is part of a plan concerted between you--of an infernal plan."
Neither man would be entertaining dreams of a Super Bowl ring without the league's concerted plan to make their teams competitive quickly.
I figured out a concerted plan involving Jackson and Zemeckis to convince Universal it was worthy of asking for more money.
One company document declared that drug donations - along with media campaigns and legal tactics - were part of a concerted plan to win reimbursement for Glivec.
The Union has, in the past, acknowledged it, but failed to put any concerted and comprehensive plan into motion.