Nothing yet, no financial records to indicate anything concerning drugs.
More recently, he has covered the pharmaceutical and health care industries, specializing in issues concerning dangerous drugs.
There are several working hypotheses concerning different drugs that may help the disease, but none to date have been scientifically proven.
And there can be no counterargument concerning drugs for this.
Ordinarily this would not bother him, but for the first time he had made two separate promises concerning drugs and his actions.
Then you believed all the rumors concerning drugs, alcohol, and back-alley abortionists?
On the surface, de jure suggests that everyone has an equal opportunity in defending themselves from criminal accusations concerning drugs.
"You could get caught in a shootout concerning drugs," he said.
It is therefore crucial for Europe that Croatia provide information concerning drugs and drug addiction, and their consequences.
He has also been tricked because of his relative ignorance concerning drugs or subcultures.