It mostly confirmed the decisions concerning changes in the canonical rules of ordinations and clerical marriage, which had already been implemented in many dioceses.
Notes concerning changes or differences from the original documents should be made on the shop drawing for the architect's and engineer's approval.
CIPFA maintains that a number of potentially significant costs, concerning changes in staff numbers and salaries, have not been taken into account.
During the October 30, 1962 session concerning changes to the Mass, he went beyond the 10-minute limit imposed on all speakers.
The first half of the book attempted to explain the causes of culturual problems confronting humanity and Fresco's opinions concerning changes that could be made.
Concerning possible changes to the system for ultralight aircraft, the Commission will ask the Agency for its opinion on this matter.
All important matters concerning changes to the Treaties, such as electoral procedure, will still require a Convention to be convened.
Mr President, the Commission has tabled a proposal concerning certain changes to tobacco growing.
I was myself responsible for a report a month ago concerning changes in the organization of work.
This committee makes recommendations concerning procedural changes which must be ratified by the attorney general of that jurisdiction in order to move into effect.