This meeting brings together the architects of the world for whom lodging together is a chance for thinking about new conceptual strategies.
This conceptual strategy, while interesting, is outweighed by the slightly larger-than-life images themselves.
Most of the projects function as sculptural tableaus, and combine content, form and materials as a conceptual strategy.
His work also anticipated the conceptual strategies and material inquiries of subsequent generations of artists who came of age in NYC during the past three decades.
The metaphor and the conceptual strategy are not the same as the formal definition which mathematicians employ.
From this seminal work, a flood of tests have incorporated his conceptual strategy.
The gesture of doubling - as an aesthetic and conceptual strategy - has been a recurrent motif for Horn since 1980, a tool that invites careful scrutiny from the viewer.
Her intelligent conceptual strategies engage the viewer in an absorbing aesthetic and intellectual experience that turns conventional assumptions of power, secrecy, control and social space inside out.
The "central conceptual strategy" of his work, Moody said, is that formal invention isn't "at some opposite end of the dialectic from emotional candor.
Note: Volksbühne Berlin did not voluntarily co-operate in the project, but was selected based on the conceptual strategy of the project.