However, determining when death has occurred requires drawing precise conceptual boundaries between life and death.
The conceptual boundaries of the Zhonghua minzu may be complicated by the politics of neighboring countries such as Mongolia and Korea, who exclusively claim regional historical peoples and states.
These statements embody two key components of the conceptual boundaries of the project:
LEAD: THE conceptual boundary between humans and computers, called the interface, is the area of some of the most intriguing research in science.
Moje has continued to push his aesthetic and conceptual boundaries.
Zhongshan Road is a largely circular road which formed the traditional conceptual boundary of Shanghai city "proper".
Such a focus becomes clear or fuzzy according to distance and interest. . . . No boundaries, geographical or conceptual, hinder physical or emotional movement.
Described as a visionary and iconoclast who consistently ignores disciplinary and conceptual boundaries, Dr. Roughgarden always draws a good crowd.
Other consumers, however, such as mammalian and avian herbivores, which graze populations of plants, are normally considered to be outside the conceptual boundaries of the plant pathosystem.
Thus the move into academia and the world of the social sciences was a move across a further conceptual boundary, another movement across time and space, encompassing another rite de passage.