A meeting aimed at producing a "conceptual agreement" on the budget before the new fiscal year begins ran past 11:30 tonight.
The governors' broad conceptual agreements could come apart as Congress specifies the details needed to write legislation.
But lawmakers have been unable to translate that conceptual agreement into legislative language.
The measures also represent an effort to translate a conceptual agreement hammered out with the United States last fall into a reality.
Republicans are still translating some of their conceptual agreements into legislative language, but the work should be finished in a day or two.
A "conceptual agreement was reached" last May to lease the property, he said.
Ms. Small said her goal was to "try to at least have a conceptual agreement between the three parties by the rally on Wednesday."
Last fall, a team of four aerospace contractors working under Government supervision reached a broad conceptual agreement on the plane's basic configuration.
"We basically have a conceptual agreement with certain responsible parties, but it's not final until it's signed and approved by the federal court."
(The panel seems now to have come to a "conceptual agreement" on that issue, he says.)