Health is the pivot around which an absolute concept of poverty revolves.
The concept revolves around the several lives of two souls fixed in love through reincarnation.
The concept of the intelligent engine revolves around the idea that the engine is thinking for itself.
This concept revolves around the apparent difficulty for women who seek to gain a role within church leadership.
Fair trade was already seen as a way to address market failures; although the concept mainly revolved around consumer, rather than producer, rights.
The concept revolves around the band's journey to hell and their epic battle with the Devil.
The concept of the shows revolves around Knowles' recording career.
The concept of the shows revolves around Knowles' recording career, from her early childhood beginnings to the star she is today.
Its concept revolves around the history of airborne exploration.
Its concept revolves around a girl creating a world in her dreams which later becomes a nightmare.