The concept is presented most fully in Wholeness and the Implicate Order, published in 1980.
Some have suggested that the concept of geoengineering presents a moral hazard because it could reduce the political and popular pressure for emissions reduction.
Finally, participants evaluated the concept of NNT presented with two written explanations.
I have already discussed the difficulties the concept presents in psychological discourse.
In the early days of space travel, the concept of returning a spacecraft to Earth presented a formidable problem.
The educational concept of the interior presents a departmentalized system with practical flexibility to meet new and changing educational demands.
The concept of a national ID card, on the other hand, presents a host of possible problems, not all of them related to civil liberties.
Cutlerite concepts of the Godhead mirror those presented in the Lectures on Faith.
The lyrical concept presented 12 ghost stories with philosophical and ironic undertones, told by the main character called "the Storyteller".
Then a clear concept presented itself.