This move does away with the productive uncertainty which the concept of the unconscious can introduce into psychology.
According to Scienceman, the concept of transformity introduces a new basic dimension into physics (1987, p. 261).
This concept introduced collection boxes at more than 700 Nokia service centers at mobile phone retail outlets in nearly 300 cities.
This concept introduces higher arrows, higher compositions and higher identities, which must well behave together.
The concept introduced a new way of shopping in which families would concentrate their shopping in one place.
Donald Schön introduced several important organizing concepts to a wide range of applied fields:
Moreover, the concept of voluntary action by both sides introduces a transparent system.
This concept introduces Community-wide limit values for pollutant emissions by industry.
The concept introduced roof as a membrane in natural colors of silk.
The start of this period saw the two-stage drying concept introduced to the dairy industry.